Nombre de messages : 3540 Localisation : France Date d'inscription : 16/02/2007
Sujet: SHEEP' N' WOLVES - Wizart Animation - RU : Printemps 2016 Ven 15 Juin - 19:45
SHEEP' N' WOLVES - Nouveau project chez Wizart Animation !!
"Sheep' N' Wolves' (titre provisoire) sera le prochain projet de long-métrage d'animation en 3D basé sur un script original que le studio russe Wizart Animation va développé. Ce studio finalise actuellement le long-métrage "The Snow Queen" pour fin 2012, co-produit avec Inlay Film .
The fan of merry-making and chasing the sheep, young wolf called The Grey is afraid of responsibility and doesn't wish to become a new leader of the pack at all. The Grey is convinced that wolves are the leaders under the sun and they need sheep only to have a full belly. But suddenly all things have changed in a magic manner. One morning The Grey wakes up in a skin of a ram and finds itself in a flock of sheep. From this moment, The Grey will look at the world in a different way.
Ce film encore à l'état de projet doit être distribué dans les salles russes en 2014.
Dernière édition par Lightyear le Dim 17 Mai - 15:39, édité 5 fois
Lightyear Admin
Nombre de messages : 3540 Localisation : France Date d'inscription : 16/02/2007
Sujet: Re: SHEEP' N' WOLVES - Wizart Animation - RU : Printemps 2016 Dim 8 Sep - 19:33
SHEEP & WOLVES - Nouveau poster teaser !!
"Sheep & Wolves' (le titre est provisoire) est le prochain projet de long-métrage d'animation en 3D basé sur un script original que le studio russe Wizart Animation produit actuellement. On doit déjà à ce studio le long-métrage "The Snow Queen" fin 2012, co-produit avec Inlay Film.
The fan of merry-making and chasing the sheep, young wolf called The Grey is afraid of responsibility and doesn't wish to become a new leader of the pack at all. The Grey is convinced that wolves are the leaders under the sun and they need sheep only to have a full belly. But suddenly all things have changed in a magic manner. One morning The Grey wakes up in a skin of a ram and finds itself in a flock of sheep. From this moment, The Grey will look at the world in a different way.
Ce film d'animation "Волки и Овцы" sera distribué fin 2014 dans les salles russes.
Lightyear Admin
Nombre de messages : 3540 Localisation : France Date d'inscription : 16/02/2007
Sujet: Re: SHEEP' N' WOLVES - Wizart Animation - RU : Printemps 2016 Mar 8 Oct - 19:30
SHEEP & WOLVES - Premier extrait disponible !!
Voici un premier extrait pour "Sheep & Wolves' (le titre est provisoire) , le prochain long-métrage d'animation en 3D basé sur un script original que produit actuellement le studio russe Wizart Animation. On doit déjà à ce studio le long-métrage "The Snow Queen" fin 2012, co-produit avec Inlay Film.
Histoire (v.o) : The fan of merry-making and chasing the sheep, young wolf called The Grey is afraid of responsibility and doesn't wish to become a new leader of the pack at all. The Grey is convinced that wolves are the leaders under the sun and they need sheep only to have a full belly. But suddenly all things have changed in a magic manner. One morning The Grey wakes up in a skin of a ram and finds itself in a flock of sheep. From this moment, The Grey will look at the world in a different way.
Ce film d'animation "Волки и Овцы" sera distribué fin 2014 dans les salles russes.
Lightyear Admin
Nombre de messages : 3540 Localisation : France Date d'inscription : 16/02/2007
Sujet: Re: SHEEP' N' WOLVES - Wizart Animation - RU : Printemps 2016 Jeu 29 Mai - 18:30
SHEEP AND WOLVES - Premier teaser disponible !!
Voici un premier teaser pour le long-métrage d'animation russe 'Sheep and Wolves' basé sur un script original que produit actuellement le studio Wizart Animation pour 2015. On doit déjà à ce studio le long-métrage "The Snow Queen".
Histoire (v.o) : Interested only in merry-making and chasing sheep, the young wolf Grey is afraid of responsibility and has no desire to become the leader of his pack. Grey is convinced that all a wolf really needs is a spot in the sun and a sheep or two in the belly. That is, until Grey wakes up one morning in the skin of a ram and finds himself surrounded by a flock of sheep...
La distribution de ce film d'animation est annoncée dans les salles russes à partir du 31 mai.
Lightyear Admin
Nombre de messages : 3540 Localisation : France Date d'inscription : 16/02/2007
Sujet: Re: SHEEP' N' WOLVES - Wizart Animation - RU : Printemps 2016 Dim 17 Mai - 15:33
SHEEP AND WOLVES - Teaser disponible !!
Voici un teaser pour le long-métrage d'animation russe 'Sheep and Wolves' basé sur un script original que produit actuellement le studio Wizart Animation. On doit déjà à ce studio le long-métrage "The Snow Queen".
Histoire (v.o) : In accordance with ancient traditions, the retiring pack leader Magra announces that his future successor must prove his right to lead by vanquishing his rivals. When the powerful and blood-thirsty Ragear steps forward, the only wolf brave enough to challenge him is Grey, the pack’s favorite, but a hopeless goofball. To become a leader and win back Bianca’s love, Grey goes off into the woods, where he discovers a camp of Gypsy rabbits. The fortune-teller rabbit Mami gives him a magical “transmutation potion.” Grey drinks the potion and goes back to the wolves’ den, but finds out upon arrival that he has been transformed into... a ram!
La distribution de ce film d'animation est annoncée dans les salles russes au printemps 2016.
Lightyear Admin
Nombre de messages : 3540 Localisation : France Date d'inscription : 16/02/2007
Sujet: Re: SHEEP' N' WOLVES - Wizart Animation - RU : Printemps 2016 Sam 24 Oct - 18:48
SHEEP AND WOLVES - New teaser-trailer !!
Voici un nouveau teaser-trailer pour le long-métrage d'animation russe 'Sheep and Wolves' basé sur un script original que produit actuellement le studio Wizart Animation. On doit déjà à ce studio le long-métrage "The Snow Queen".
Histoire (v.o) : In accordance with ancient traditions, the retiring pack leader Magra announces that his future successor must prove his right to lead by vanquishing his rivals. When the powerful and blood-thirsty Ragear steps forward, the only wolf brave enough to challenge him is Grey, the pack’s favorite, but a hopeless goofball. To become a leader and win back Bianca’s love, Grey goes off into the woods, where he discovers a camp of Gypsy rabbits. The fortune-teller rabbit Mami gives him a magical “transmutation potion.” Grey drinks the potion and goes back to the wolves’ den, but finds out upon arrival that he has been transformed into... a ram!
La distribution de ce film d'animation est annoncée dans les salles russes au printemps 2016.